Conclusion: Reifying Unification

             To expand upon the words of Henry Ford, societal association serves as the first stepping stone in creating an equitable and just society; authentic relationships reflect communal growth and collaboration proves a manifestation of ultimate unification.  As individuals and as a society, we must accept that unique experiences shape diverse, individual realities; however, as members of humanity, we must also recognize that individual realities exist as individual pieces in the jigsaw puzzle of humanity’s reality.  Keeping individual realities divided and isolated prevents the pieces from falling into place.  How can humanity expect the unique pieces to fit together unless the pieces actively interact to unite at points of connection? 
            Humanity must offer a revolutionized assembly line to preserve the wisdom of the past, address the needs of the present, and work towards a just and equitable future.  Rather than individual workers operating with specialized expertise in complete isolation, workers must learn to interact with one another, share their expertise, and embrace the diverse realities existing within the factory walls.  The workers must value their own work, expertise, and experiences, but also seek to unite their individual realities with the other workers operating within the same factory.  Each worker must value himself or herself as a vital component of the factory’s operation, but also acknowledge the worth of the other simultaneously existing workers.  As each worker recognizes that his or her reality and existence proves an indispensable cog in the ultimate functioning of the factory, all workers can come together, keep together, and work together to produce a positive product beneficial to the entire factory.  Unification must define education; unification must define society. 

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