Monday, November 4, 2013


“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”
-Henry Ford
            Henry Ford, an American industrialist, utilized assembly line production to revolutionize the automobile industry.  Assembly line production divides the creation of a product into a series of separate, distinct tasks; each worker involved in the production process performs a specific task in isolation, functioning as a specialized expert detached from the rest of the factory’s operations. Assembly line production revolutionized the industrial world, allowing industrialists to harness the power of division and isolation to efficiently mass produce a standardized set of products.
            However, what if division and isolation defined society and societal institutions?  What if society relied upon the power of division, separating individuals and societies based on perceived commonalities and differences, for social structure?  What if society relied upon the power of isolation, distancing individuals and individual societies from one another, to create splintered realities in a shared social world?  Unfortunately, the results of a social world ruled by these two principles mirror the products of assembly line production.  A social world fueled by these division and isolation produces fractured individuals and societies; these individuals and societies exhibit expertise in distinct realities, yet they remain detached from the rest of the functioning world.  Moreover, the ultimate product of a social world defined by division and isolation mirrors the end result of assembly line production: an impersonal assemblage of fragmented experiences and realities. 
            Although Ford relied heavily upon assembly line production for success in the automobile industry, Ford recognized the danger of subjecting all “processes” of humanity to the principles of division and isolation.  History credits Henry Ford with the following quotation:  “Coming together is a beginning.  Keeping together is progress.  Working together is success” (2013).  To combat a future of alienated realities and a fractured social world, humanity must embrace a mindset of unity and collaboration viewing the world in shades of grey and embracing individual realities as central to the advancement of the social world.  With the goals of unity, cooperation, and the furtherance of humanity in mind, I propose a revolutionized perspective of pragmatism and existentialism, a unification of the perspectives of five thinkers to transform education and ultimately unite a fractured social world.